Saturday, April 11, 2009

Are you sinless?

A day Christ suffered and died for sins He never committed. The word suffered is such a common word. We say, I'm suffering from a flu, I'm suffering a back pain, I'm suffering from constipation.

The true magnitude of the sufferings of Christ, NO man can comprehend. We cannot reenact the crucifixion, neither can we try to understand what it must have took for Christ to suffer the weight of obedience even till death. It was not the mere physical torture inflicted upon a human body - Many devotees practice self-mutilation by reenacting the crucifixion scene for various reasons. But it was not the mere physical torture that caused Christ's heart to be heavy even till death. It was the weight of the sins of EVERY single human being who had, was, and would ever walk the earth. It was the weight of the sins of such a infinite number of people. It was the guilt, sin, shame, abandonment, loneliness, and ugliness of human nature ever since the fall of Adam until the destruction of the earth.

Yet when we gaze upon the cross, we have such little understanding of the true magnitude of the sufferings of Christ. We mock the cross in so many ways.

We hardly dwell upon the weight of the cross. We hardly feel or recognize that Christ died for the sins we've done, are doing, and WILL continue to do. We do not feel that we need deliverance, salvation, and forgiveness. We do not recognize that we are sinners.

God came for the sinners, not the righteous. It is the sick who need a doctor, not the healthy. Is there a healthy person? Is there a righteous person? By what measure do we determine a righteous or unrighteous person? By what merit system can one obtain righteousness? By what deeds can one lesson the guilt of sin? By what means can one be sinless? Is there any sinless person upon the face of this earth? Is there anyone who has NEVER sinned in their lives? Never told a lie? Never stole anything? Never thought a dirty lustful thought? Never wished another person dead? Have you never sinned?

How then can we assume we are without fault? without sin? without the NEED to be redeemed, forgiven, saved?

This Good Friday, I realized that to begin to understand the sacrifice of Christ, the passion of Christ, the love of Christ, the sufferings of Christ, prerequisites the understanding of how much a sinner you are, the ugliness of your life, and how helpless and incapable you are to save your own soul.

Without the knowledge of how much a sinner you are, you simply cannot see Christ, you cannot understand. You will not understand.

It is by His sheer mercy and grace that you realize how much you need God today. And realize that He is the ONLY Way, the ONLY Truth, and the ONLY Life.

Let's stop playing games, let us look at ourselves for what we're truly worth today. Let us see pass our own defense mechanisms, let us look into the depths of our souls and see ourselves for what and who we are. Then maybe we'll begin to understand the sufferings of Christ.

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