Friday, December 05, 2008

Of Html!


OK... So heeding Jaryl's suggestions, I decided to try modifying the template again. Behold!! I managed to...:

(1) White space on the far right is... Fixed
(2) There's a bit of a gap on top of your header background image. Don't know how to fix =(
(3) The erasing in the header image is rather apparent.. or is that a part of the design? Errr. I actually modified the original picture using Fireworks and it was superbly nice, but when upload, it turned out weird.
(4) The color of your "a:visited" is rather dull, which means that links don't stand out as much. This would be fine if it only affected links in your posts, but seeing as it affects your post title too, there will be an inconsistency in the color of post titles (considering that some posts' separate pages will be visited while some won't). Fixed
(5) You might wanna add some padding-left to your #main. Fixed
(6) Also, consider increasing the width of your #main. The main includes the advert column as well... so when I increased it, the body ran far off from the blog post box image, and pushed the links and chatterbox column far off as well. Sighs...

So this is the best I can come up with for now. =( Must do research one day, but for now, I'm pretty content with this!! =D Hmmmm.. but my fingers are itching to change the header picture to the old one I had in Xanga. That flower's nicer!! Yummmy

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