Monday, May 18, 2009

God's Providence

I'm pretty sure there are some people who wonder how Justin and I survive. Mainly pertaining to the financial part. We both don't make substantial amounts of money. Neither are we from rich backgrounds.

I shall reveal our secret today. But let me warn you, you may not like nor believe our secret. You've been warned. =)

I believe that the reason we are doing more than surviving is because of "heritage". Not so much financial heritages or inheritances, but spiritual and practical heritages. Growing up, our parents instilled tonnes of great wisdom and truths that we've seen and realised to be tremendously true and beneficial. Below are these truths/wisdom:

  • 10% of all you earn goes back to God. (aka tithes). This is the first, most important and a no-no to touch. We believe that every cent we make ultimately belongs to God, we are merely stewards (you can debate on this with me another time). That said, in actual fact, 100% of everything we have belongs to Him, but to train us, God requires only 10%.

  • Give to building/missions pledges. Inline with the above, we see providence as chances to bless others. So while we may not be out in the missions field, the very least we can do is to give. How much to do that... many people have many different ideas and rationalizations. But what has worked for us: we pray about it, and most times, we are challenged with an amount. Then we obey and tell God that we don't know where the money will come from, but we want to give ____ amount to you. And every single time, there is always just enough money to fulfill our pledges.

  • 20% of all our paychecks go to the bank to remain untouched.

  • Bless others. My parents have never let finances stand in between them giving to and blessing others. This spirit of generosity is something we work to instill in our marriage.

  • Trust God for and in everything. That means sometimes trading our human understanding for heavenward understanding, learning to see God in everything, and not questioning Him.
So there you have it. 5 simple guidelines we abide to. We've been married since Dec 2007. We own a house, a car, and a baby is coming along the way. Still our trust remains in the Lord - the Maker of everything. =)

To God be the Glory. All Glory!


  1. i've always loved reading your posts. it's very encouraging. i just started working and am learning to give God that 10%. it's really hard at times but we know that God is faithful. thanks for sharing.

  2. =) hi Melissa! Thanks for reading! And thanks for the encouragement too!

    God Bless
