Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy


I am perky and chirpy!!! Yes I am!!! Got a fever on Sunday, which lead me on a horrid horrid Monday quarantine at home! But as of last night, I've felt something I've not felt in a while: I felt NORMAL!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes NORMAL!!

I told Aunty Noreen, that I never knew feeling normal was soooooo WONDERFUL!!!! No nausea, no fever, no headaches, no sore throat, no bloatedness, no gastric, NOTHING. I FELT NORMAL!!!!! Thank You God for creating normal!!!!! I felt so energetic that I actually dragged Justin along for some minor grocery shopping and a walk around the housing estate!!! I LOVE HOW I FEEL!!!!

But that was yesterday, this morning I woke up feeling really good as well. But now, my abdomen's feeling rather tender, bloaty, and sore. Wonder if it's because the pants I'm wearing is a little fitting. =/

But I'm still rejoicing!!!! HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!!!!!!!!! Thank God for NORMAL!!! I simply CANNOT wait until the second trimester arrives!!! I have lots of shopping to do. =D Muahahahahaha.

And I also want to take this opportunity to thank my darling darling husband *clap clap clap* and family *clap clap clap*. Justin was waiting on me hand and foot, taking care of my every need when I was under the weather. My family has been very supportive, especially mom and lynn. =D I love you guys very very very very extra much!!! MUAhahahahah. Gosh, I'm so happy I feel like dancing!!!! XD

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy, this DEFINITELY sounds like a pregnant women's post.
